Pool Protocol

Because we are a varied group of swimmers it is imperative that consideration is given to each other. The recognized system is that if you are gaining on the swimmer in front DO NOT OVERTAKE AS THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS simply touch the toe of the swimmer and when he or she gets to the end of the lane he or she will wait and let you go on. In a 50 metre pool it is possible for swimmers to space themselves out or simply to judge what is happening and act accordingly i.e. negotiate with each other at the end of the lanes.

  1. Be aware of and appreciate the inherent risks involved in training and competition including the possibility of injury and accident to yourself and others.
  2. If at any time you feel that you are putting yourself at risk during the training schedule then you must tailor your swim to your ability.
  3. You must conduct yourself in a responsible manner towards others.

VISITORS – Members of other clubs may be eligible to swim if they are a paid-up member of that club for a limited period at the discretion of the committee otherwise they must pay a membership and join EAST.

GUESTS – of members are welcome provided the member contacts a committee member first to check that it is suitable for you to bring a visitor. The member will be responsible for the guest’s conduct and session fees.

SAFEGUARDING PROCEDURES – East Anglian Swallowtails follows the safeguarding policies and procedures as set out in Swim England’s Wavepower document which can be viewed here https://www.swimming.org/library/documents/6383/download If you have any questions please email Welfare@swallowtails.co.uk